
A Step-by-Step Guide to Declutter Your Kitchen

A Step-by-Step Guide to Declutter Your Kitchen.

A kitchen recently cleaned by a residential cleaning company with no clutter or mess.

Decluttering your kitchen is a transformative process that not only enhances the appearance of your home but also improves functionality. Here’s a straightforward plan to help you tackle this project, with professional insights influenced by our experiences at PJ’s Cleaning Service in Thunder Bay.

1. Set Clear Goals

Before you begin, decide on your main objectives. Are you looking to create more counter space? Make items more accessible? Understanding your goals will guide your decluttering efforts and help you stay focused.

2. Empty and Sort

Take everything out of your cabinets and drawers. Create three piles: keep, donate, and discard. This method is a cornerstone of effective residential home cleaning, allowing you to see everything you have and make informed decisions about what stays.

3. Tackle One Area at a Time

Focus on one section of your kitchen at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Whether it’s the pantry, under the sink, or a particular cupboard, this approach ensures thoroughness—a principle we stand by in all our cleaning services at PJ’s.

4. Deep Clean

With your spaces emptied, now is the perfect time for a deep clean. Wipe down shelves, clean out drawers, and consider using natural cleaners for a safe, refreshing environment. In our professional cleaning routines, we emphasize the importance of not just decluttering but also ensuring each area is hygienically clean.

5. Reorganize Intentionally

As you return items to their places, think strategically. Place frequently used items within easy reach and seldom-used items higher up or in less accessible areas. Use organizers and dividers to keep things neat—a trick often employed in professional house cleaning to maximize space and efficiency.

6. Establish New Habits

Maintaining your newly decluttered kitchen requires adopting new habits. Commit to doing a quick daily tidy-up, a weekly surface clean, and a more thorough clean monthly. This mirrors the cleaning schedules we recommend to our clients at PJ’s Cleaning Service to ensure their homes remain in top condition.

7. Consider Professional Help for Maintenance

While a thorough declutter can be done independently, regular maintenance might require professional help. Services like carpet cleaning, floor waxing, and seasonal deep cleaning can preserve the cleanliness and longevity of your kitchen elements.


Decluttering your kitchen is a rewarding endeavor that can significantly impact your daily life. By following these steps and maintaining your space, you’ll enjoy a cleaner, more organized kitchen for years to come. And remember, for those tasks that require a professional touch, PJ’s Cleaning Service in Thunder Bay is here to help, ensuring your home is not just clean, but deeply refreshed.

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